Volga Agriculture Forum

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October 27-29, 2010 delegation of LLC "First Finance Company", at the invitation of the Association of Farmers, a farm and agricultural consumer cooperatives Tatarstanvisited the Volga Agricultural Forum, held in Kazan for the presentation of the" Support and development of the APC" forum participants.

News of January 14

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"The Moscow Times" newspaper has organized and hosted an international conference"Islamic Finance: Prospects for Development in Russia". Company representativesattended a conference "Climate Global Control Trading" were satisfied with the informationcomponent and timeliness of information on the prospects of Islamic financial instruments in the Russian Federation.


News of August 13

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"The First Financial Company" officially has directed on August, 10th and 11 the offer on improvement of environmental conditions in droughty regions of Russia to a reception of the President of the Russian Federation and in governmental body of the Russian Federation.

"Our Victory!"

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The given material Is considered by the best proof of our work, technologies operate!

1. We 28.07.2010г. Have officially declared on a site our gift for inhabitants of the Moscow region.
2. We 30.07.2010г. Have notified according to the list on a site of mass-media on possibility of introduction of the given technology in the Moscow region.
3. We 02.08.2010г. Have officially declared on a site of the President and the Prime minister our gift and possibilities of our technologies.

the Official forecast of Federal Hydrometereology and Environmental Monitoring Service from 30.07.2010г. Absolutely confidently declares temperature in Moscow on two weeks +39 and without rains! http://pogoda.yandex.ru/27612 /
However, the Hydrometeorological service only 03.08. On майл.ру, already with care, has declared a possible cold snap after 09.08.2010г.
it is more interesting Further.

Today 05.08.2010г., also on mail.eu, Federal Hydrometereology and Environmental Monitoring Service already asserts that the heat will leave from 09.08 more safely and the temperature in Moscow will be nearby +20!
http://news.mail.ru/society/4215675 /