Three GCC countries place in the top 10 list of most at risk countries

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Dubai: As world leaders concluded the UN Climate Week Summit in New York last week, expectations are high for different countries’ pledges to translate into actual reductions in carbon emissions. A new study released by research and media organisation Climate Central last week in time for the summit revealed that between 147 and 216 million people who live on land will be below sea level or regular flood level by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions continue in their current trend.

With falling costs, renewable energy transforms world

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Abu Dhabi: Seven million people die due to air pollution across the world every year but deployment of renewable energy can check this trend, senior officials said in the capital.

Apart from offering environmental and health benefits, renewable energy with its decreasing costs has started playing a larger positive role in socio-economic sectors. Renewable energy provides energy access to millions of people living in energy poverty, creates millions of jobs every year, and contributes significantly to the national income of many countries, they said.

Dubai expats 'work less when it’s hot'

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Dubai: One of the things that many people dread about working in the summer is the soaring temperatures. Across the Gulf, the heat can go above 50 degrees Celsius and the high humidity levels can be a source of discomfort.

It’s not surprising that a significant number of expatriates in Dubai wander off to cooler climes around this time of year. But while rising mercury levels are giving the travel industry a boost, what is worrisome for companies in the region is that the hottest time of year can have serious economic costs.

More dust storms heading for UAE, drivers warned

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Abu Dhabi: Drivers in the UAE were warned to exercise caution on the roads on Sunday due to high dust levels expected across the country.

The National Centre for Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) urged motorists to take extra care on the roads, especially in inner-city areas.